BWRC Breakfast Talk on Stormwater Infrastructure on the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway is May 8

The next BWRC Breakfast Talk will be on Friday, May 8th from 8:30am to 10:00am with Milton Puryear speaking about:

Capturing Stormwater Runoff Along the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway

  • Can resiliency and recreation mix?
  • Can the new Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway help protect Brooklyn from the next Sandy?
  • Can the new greenway contribute to a cleaner harbor?

The answer to each is yes! Come learn about the recently released The Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway Stormwater Management Plan that details how the building of stormwater infrastructure during the construction of the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway can contribute to protecting the waterfront from coastal flooding as occured during Superstorm Sandy.

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Speaking will be Milton Puryear co-founder of the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative.

